540 Strategies

Connect & Collaborate Coffee Chat Mini Session

A short call to get better introduced and learn more about your business.

540 Strategies

Connect& Collaborate Coffee Chat Mini Session

A short call to get better introduced and learn more about your business.

Meet Jaime Ellithorpe

Jaime Ellithorpe is the founder of 540 Strategies, a marketing consulting firm that equips entrepreneurs and business professionals with marketing strategies and self-empowerment tools to make growing a business effortless.

Jaime is a marketing strategist, author, certified law of attraction coach, and certified mental strength trainer with over 18 years of experience in corporate marketing, sales, and strategy. Jaime attributes much of her business success to the practice of personal development and incorporates this philosophy in her programs and trainings.

It is her mission to help business owners stop the struggle of growing their businesses through “The 3M Formula,” a three-prong approach of creating a plan to market and grow the business, mindset training to ensure business success, and taking intentional action to turn goals into tangible results.